Lenses project
LENSES aims to contribute to better water allocation, increased food security, preserving ecosystems, and helping adaptation to Climate Change. It will shift from "Nexus Thinking to Nexus Doing" through a collective learning process, which integrates the concepts of Nexus sustainable management, advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
LENSES intends to address the main challenges of the Nexus through the following Innovation Plan:
- Participatory process through learning actions between farmers, scientists, private and governmental entities.
- Mathematical modeling to understand, discuss complex problems, analyze, and contribute to policy development and inform society.
- Integrative policy analysis promoting coordination aligned with the fulfillment of the SDGs.
- NBS to address challenges in increasing resilience of the WEFC Nexus.
- Integrated business model.
- Innovative use of EO, enabling strategic decision-making on resource management and operational management.
- Long-term climate risk assessment integrated with dynamic systems models that address complex issues such as desertification, water budgets, extreme flooding, etc.
Lenses Observatory
The LENSES Observatory serves as a treasure chest of data, to facilitate information exchange internally. This data repository also supports data preview and visualizations, to allow for drawing relationships among Nexus components. The Observatory will continue to be populated with more datasets, as they are being produced in the LENSES project. Datasets can be downloaded or they may be accessed through an API and a preview of the contents is available. Furthermore, users are able to upload their own datasets. For more information, please refer to the manuals “How to upload a dataset” and “How to use the observatory”.